
Kindergarten Children's Choir Spring Performance

The children have been working every Wednesday on learning their songs for the Spring performance. Every year I look forward to the Sundays when the children sing because I love hearing kids sing praises to God! Even before my children were old enough to be in the choir I loved to hear kids singing in church. It just makes my heart happy!
Caleb enjoys going to choir each week and learning the songs. He isn't much of a performer but he loves to sing at home with us. He did a great job singing and remembering the hand motions to the songs. Ok, I know several of you are wondering if I am going to avoid the huge elephant in the room, and the answer is, no I am not. Sebastian's turn as the kindergarten nose-picker was hilarious! I'm sure it is funnier because it isn't my child but every year there is one child who stands on stage picking his nose the whole time. This year it was Sebastian. Roy posted the video on facebook for everyone's enjoyment! Sebastian always entertains us. The Christmas concert was just as funny but less gross since there wasn't any nose picking involved. In his defense, he didn't want to be up there at all that night and after he picked it once and got the laughter from the crowd it just egged him on. He is such a sweet boy and we love him so! He definitely stole the show this year.

1 comment:

Jenn M said...

We do what we can to make sure everyone is entertained! Caleb did a good job and sang all his words! Love you all!